The Six Tiers of Riches

Abraham Great
Last Update February 22, 2022

About This Course

Why are there people who get richer in the poorest economies, while there are people who get poorer in the largest economies?

In this video series you’re about to receive, you will find the answers, so you can create lasting wealth for yourself, in spite of the economy you operate in.

As you move through the videos, you learn three discover 3 mindshifting facts:

First, there is more to money than what you believe it to be. It is not just a medium of exchange. Secondly, being rich is not about your account balance. It is about the flow- where the money comes from, where it goes, then the speed and frequency of the flow. The third lesson, which I’ll tell you in a bit, will help you navigate this flow so you can command predictable and sustainable wealth .

But before then, here is what this course really stresses.

Riches happen in tiers (or levels), and there are SIX TIERS OF RICHES. Everybody walking the face of the earth is at one tier at a time. Sadly, most people never get past the second tier.

There are two reasons for this:

The first reason is that most people don’t understand the flow of money, instead, they concentrate on the amount (remember I told you being rich is about the flow).

Secondly (and this is the bigger problem) people don’t know what tier they are at, so they don’t know exactly how to progress or even the level to progress to.

And this brings me to the third lesson you will learn; You don’t get rich by doing more work. Those who don’t know this toil till they burn out, doubling their hustle because they think that as they work the more, they will earn more and more till they become wealthy.

Learning Objectives

How you can predict your financial future, starting with knowing what tier you are at right now, so you know where next to go and how to get there. More like embarking a journey; you can’t locate where you’re headed unless you know first where you are.
How to direct the flow of money in order to build lasting wealth.
What you must do to keep moving up the tiers of riches till you get to the last tier- without having to “double your hustle”.

Material Includes

  • Videos


13 Lessons1h 8m 36s

The Six Tiers of Riches

Welcome to this Masterclass0:37
Tier One | Seed Tier9:36
Welcome to Tier 20:12
Tier Two | Profit Tier9:47
Welcome to Tier 30:20
Tier Three | Riches Tier10:47
Welcome to Tier 400:00:18
Tier Four | The Wealth Tier10:24
Welcome to Tier 50:17
Tier Five | The Fortune Tier00:13:57
Welcome to Tier 600:00:23
Tier Six | Glory Tier00:11:09
Six Tiers of Riches Conclusion0:44

Your Instructors

Abraham Great

8 Courses
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144 Students
Abraham Great a British / Nigerian millionaire, profound change catalyst, Money Mindset Coach and Management Consultant with strong   passion got raising people and nation building.   A graduate of the Bill Gove Speaker’s Academy in the USA 🇺🇸 who has learnt from the like of Ted McGrath, Pen Joon, Brandon Burchard, Bradley Sugar and more. a LLB Law Graduate with MSc Management in Digital Service Economy from The Buckingahm University, UK.
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100% off
All Levels
Duration 1.1 hour
13 lectures

Material Includes

  • Videos